Monday, August 01, 2005


I woke up late today. I got to work almost an hour late. The good thing about where I work though is that I am one of the first people to get here so no one really knew I was late. I can't seem to get enough sleep here lately, I don't know what the deal is. I really didn't do much this weekend although I wish I had...Maybe next weekend I can convince some people to go out although my friend pool is shrinking. Perhaps I need to make more friends. I can't make any really at work because I am a little young to be hanging out with them. I don't know where to start. I don't really like making new friends rather I like making new friends but I don't like the process. I'm no good at it.

I have to go up and pay for classes today...its due tomorrow but I figure why not go and pay a day early so you don't forget. I'm excited about school this semester although I'm leery of Research writing because I don't know what that one is going to be like. I hope my math teacher is as good as the one I had last semester. He was really cool and he didn't make me feel stupid when I had a question. And he had a way of breaking things down so the class grasped it better. I don't know whats going on as far as the rest of the week. I don't think I'll be doing much except working and helping my friend with her history final. Thats due on Wednesday so it won't take up a lot of my time. Maybe I'll be able to get some of the other stuff I've been meaning to get done finished that way I have a free weekend. Thats an idea.


Blogger Lance said...

I know what you mean about making new friends, I'm not so good at that process myself.

8:12 AM  

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