Letting My Dorkiness Show
Yes that is what I am doing. I am anxiously anticipating the release of book 6 in the Harry Potter series. For those who down this, I suggest actually reading the books. They aren't just for kids. That is the only defense I care to give for this. My sister in Virginia is getting the books tonight at midnight. She reserved a copy for me which I thought was super nice considering, well she didn't have to do that. She bought me the last book too. I think I'm going to have to get her something extra throughtful this year for her birthday and Christmas. She is always getting me really cool gifts. I guess I'm easy to please I don't know. I mean for my birthday she got me tickets to Velvet Revolver. This isn't the first time she got me concert tickets for a special event. A couple years back she got me 2 tickets to Aerosmith for Christmas. That was really nice of her since she didn't have the best job. I only wish I could get her something equally thoughtful and nice. I got a couple of months to think it through. I just don't know what I can get her. She's really into working at the Renaissance fairs in the area and of course Harry Potter. I really don't know what she listens to because I'm not around her. I know she like Billy Joel and there is no way I can afford tickets to him when he comes around. I'll have to do some research. I'm supposed to go to the movies tonight to see the remake of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". I can't though which is really going to piss some people off. I have to get the house in order since the contractor is coming to inspect tomorrow. My sister really isn't much help so I have to do it. I'm going to stop at Target to get some cleaning supplies and then its off to the store to get some other things. Then its all cleaning from then on. I hope I can get to Maggies later though. I think I should be able to. Cassie wants me to help her study tomorrow for history. I don't know how much I can help her. I mean she is having a difficult time with the material which really isn't her fault. The teacher isn't exactly the best. He seems to be more preoccupied with studying for his Ph.D., which isn't a problem but if you can't take the time out and touch base with your students, then why are you teaching the course? I know because I had him last semester. I got an A but that wasn't because of him. That was because well, I am a history major so I am familiar with the material. I hope this semester when I'm taking research writing that the teacher is better. I'm kind of dreading it because I don't know what to expect. I know its research writing and that I have to do research and write about it but thats all I know. I wish I would have taken some summer classes. That way I wouldn't be going through this waiting now. I didn't know where I was gonna to be living so I figured I would wait until I knew. Guess I should have just signed up for it but hindsight is always 20/20. I hate cliches but I can't help but use them. I remember in my English 101 class years ago that my teacher said she hated cliches but couldn't help using them. It's part of the American lexicon unfortunately. Oh well, what can I do? It's too late to stop now I suppose. No matter how hard I try. Speaking of cliches, I read that the most annoying cliche is "at the end of the day". I can think of more annoying ones but I won't share. Thats it for now I suppose. I will let Harry Potter consume my thoughts for the next couple of days.
Harry rules.
I'll be getting the novel tonight at midnight, too.
I'll probably have it read before the weekend is over lol.
Yeah I read it by Sunday morning. Truly good books. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting
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