Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Same Stuff

The same stuff as usual. Not much going on. I talked to Frankie yesterday for a little while. He woke me up. He really didn't have that much to say. I think he just was bored and knew I was home so he called. He proceeded to tell me that he got high. I don't care if people get high (marijuana) but I just think he's being stupid considering he is in the military. Doesn't he think that they're gonna test for that. I think he's regretting signing away his life for x amount of years. But maybe he should have thought things through better. In a way I am glad that he joined the military. It's scary to think of where I would be if he had stayed home. We were inseperable for two years and then he was gone. I was forced into living without him and I am so glad I was. I think I would be in a very bad place now if he would have stayed and the same goes for him. I mean he still is in a bad place right now but I think if he wouldn't have gone into the military it would be a lot worse. He had to grow up and so did I. We were sheltered as kids and we didn't do a lot of the things normal teenagers do like party and the such. He was a band geek and I was just a geek. I still am come to think of it but I have accepted my geekiness and I appreciate it. I wish things were different now but I think I like where I'm heading. Sure I would like to be involved with a really great guy but I guess for now I'm alright. I need to stop wasting my time pining for losers. I tend to do that. I need to get out and do something. I think that is why I force myself to go to Heidi's parties. I have to admit that the one on Sunday was the best yet. I had such a good time and it was like old times hanging out with Jenn and Shelley. I miss them alot. I know things went awry for a while but things seem to be getting better. I hope they continue. Things could be a lot worse and I'm hoping they just stay where they are or continue to rise. I'm ecstatic about school and I came to the realization the yes it was my fault. I made mistakes and there is no excuse for them but I'm fixing them. I can't wait til the next semester starts. I'm kinda hoping this guy who was in my math class last semester is in the one this semester. That would be great. He was really nice and he's smart which is always a good thing. I am done with stupid boys. There is nothing there when you like stupid boys. All they do is get on your nerves. I just hope I can be happy. That is what I want for everyone. Happiness and no regrets. Strike that no regrets. Everyone has regrets whether they admit it or not. There is always something that a person will regret. I know I have a couple things that I regret but I won't get into that. That is just something I will keep to myself.


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