Nothing Much
Still nothing really going on. Just kinda existing at the moment. I keep trying to remind myself to give Frankie a call but I never know when its a good time because of his work schedule. Magie doesn't want him at her party on Saturday which I feel bad about and so does she but considering all the crap that has happened when he drinks, its not a good idea. I mean he gets out of control and he will listen to no one. The last thing he needs is to get in his car and drive home after he has had a few. I absolutely hate drinking and driving and he always does it. So we will see I suppose. I'm supposed to go to Heidi's on Sunday. The more I think about it the more I want to go. I mean you never know. There might be someone interesting there. Being socially awkward is never fun but thats just the way things go. Read some posts this morning about Bush's speech. Morons! Most of them anyway. Saying that the democrats are whiny little babies. Some are but most are just outraged. I know I am. I mean its like this: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Done, final. Why do conservatives insist on taking Bush's side and defending what he says? It just makes them look stupid. They are blind. They're nothing but sheep. America had a chance to change where it was going but it was squandered and people got scared and now we are stuck with Bush again. Sometimes I question the intelligence of the nations majority. If the presidents approval rating is so low and things aren't going the way they want them to, why did they vote for him? I don't want to hear this crap about morals. Whether you are democrat, republican, or other, you choose the best candidate for the job. End of story. Look where this war has gotten us. We are no closer to establishing a democratic country that we were 2 years ago when we went there. I was against the war then and I have been ever since war in Iraq was an idea in Bush's pea of a brain. I just get so angry. I think about all those people that have died and what have they died for? There isn absolutely no improvement whatsoever in Iraq. And yes I know it is an "occupational hazard" but it seems like nothing short of murder to me. He is controlling the fates of so many people and to him it just a game of Risk. He makes me sick and I wish there was something I could do about it. I have written my congressman (a Republican unfortunately) and I have written my senators and various other people who might have influence. Nothing seems to be getting done. Why are we voting for these people if they aren't listening to us? I even wrote the president, the vp, the sod and I get the run around. We need a change and soon. Thats my rant for the day.
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