Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Where the Hell is Matt?

I don't know if anyone has seen this yet but I thought it was pretty funny. The story goes that Matt, a professional gamer, saved up money, quit his job and just traveled the world for a couple months. While traveling he made a site to show his family and friends where he was and that he was alright. A friend of his told him that he should dance every place he went so he did. He does this weird dance that is hilarious. I've seen people dance like that but none with such pride. The video went around the web and caught the attention of the people at Stride gum. They funded another trip for Matt this one taking 6 months that would take him to Norway, Antarctica, The Easter Islands, and the list goes on. Here's the video if you want to see it:

How cool is that? How many people get a chance like that once let alone twice. He's become somewhat of an inspiration to travelers. There are a couple videos out there that took Matt's idea but they changed it to make it their own. There is one guy who just has someone throw the same beach ball to him. I would love to have the opportunity to travel the world. He even went to Petra which is one of the places high on my list. Anyway there are some really funny parts in the video aside from the dancing, which is absolutely horrendous, especially the ones involving elephants and seal lions. It's definitely something that would cheer most people up or just make them chuckle a bit.

By the way...my mom is going into a detox (rehab I don't know the difference) today. I don't know how long she's going to be there. They said it could be 5 days or the full 28. I guess it depends on what they feel is best for her. She wasn't too happy about the decision but I think she's realizing that it's the best thing for her right now. She was pretty upset about it yesterday and thought that us kids were ashamed of her which if course wasn't true at all. So at 2:45 this afternoon she'll be heading in. I hope it works. She's been in one before when I was 11 and it seemed to help. Actually she stopped drinking for years after that. It wasn't until I hit my late teens that she started again. So I'm really really hoping this works and that she finally gets the help she's going to need. As long as everyone is supportive, I think she'll do very very well.


Blogger Lily said...

I'm so glad to hear that your mom is going to detox. Good for her. I hope that she will be sucessful with it. Good Luck!!!!!

8:50 AM  

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