Thursday, July 20, 2006

Maryland Welcomes You

Well I made it to the dentist yesterday and saw the dr about why I'm itchy. Tomorrow they're going to take out the remaining two wisdom teeth. He said they're both infected so they absolutely have to come out which is why my ear was hurting. Now was to why I'm itchy, the dr said that I must have had an allergic reaction to something. I have no idea what it could be because I haven't changed soap or anything like that so it's a mystery. She gave me a couple things that will help so I'm thankful for that. I'm not nearly as itchy as I was yesterday so that's always a good thing. I was just scared it was something totally disgusting like scabies. Gross!

After all that yesterday I went home and went to sleep. I was asleep before 8 and only woke up when the phone rang. It was weird being asleep so long. Anyway that's pretty much all I did yesterday. Today so far has been super quiet. 2 people are out all week and one of the other people in my office I guess has the day off. Since I left early yesterday I have no idea if he planned on it or what. Either way, he isn't going to be here. I think it's going to be one of those days where time seems to drag because there is really nothing to do. Oh well. I won't be here tomorrow so I'll have 3 days off. Tonight is Maggie's last night here so some us are supposed to get together and do something. Who knows what thats going to be. I'm sure it'll involve a bar though. They like to drink. I won't be once again. Doesn't bother me any...I don't like waking up feeling worse than I did when I went to bed. Maybe we'll just all go out to dinner or something. That would be nice.

Well that's all for now. I would talk about what's going on over in the Middle East but that would take up a couple pages and no one really wants to read that much. All I'll say about it is that's mess isn't good enough of a word to describe what's going on over there. They evacuated people and some are on their way to BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport. You know what's funny about that? Last night on the news they were showing people putting up a banner that said Welcome to Maryland or something comparable to that. Why would you do that? It's not like they're tourists. These people don't have a choice as to where they go. They have to come here because that's the arrangements the government made. It was weird to me. It's like they think by having those people come here that it's going to bring money into Maryland. I mean I guess it will if some of the people decide to stay but I think that most of them will only stay until better arrangements can be made. That's how I was thinking anyway. Don't get me wrong I love Maryland and I'm proud to be from here but really there aren't too many people that go out of their way to visit unless they're going to DC.


Blogger Lily said...

I'm glad you got your teeth fixed, hopefully you feel way better now. I know what you mean about being itchy from an allergy, the only thing with mine is, I'm didn' think I wasallergic to anything (well until i ended up in the hospital on my vacation) and I haven't changed anything in a year or so, but a friend told me that sometimes when you get stressed out you get the hives and itchyness and I have noticed when I am more stressed or irritated it gets worse. Any way Benedryl works really good thats what the dr gave me when I went into the hospital, and it worked very good everything was back to normal fast.

8:31 AM  

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