
I've been reading a lot lately. I said that I wanted to get some reading done before school started because I don't know when I'll be able to read for myself during the semester. I've started reading the Earth's Children series which is really far. I'm only about a quarter of the way through the second book but the first one was really good. I wouldn't recommend it to those who don't like some history intertwined with literature. It's about a Cro-Magnon girl who is found by a clan of Neanderthals and is nursed back to health eventually being adopted by the clan. It's called "Clan of the Cave Bear". It was really really good. Right now I'm on the second one called "Valley of the Horses". I won't say too much about it because I don't want to give away anything about how the first one ended. Anyway they're really good. I hope they continue that way although I've been told the third one sucked but I like to make decisions like that on my own.
In between reading those books I read "The 5 People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom. My aunt said that I would really really like it and it was pretty short; just under 200 pages and the chapters were short too. I finished that in about a day. It was so good and in a way comforting. What happens is this fellow dies and goes to heaven but before he can reach Heaven he has to learn 5 things and he learns them by meeting 5 people that either impacted his life or vice versa. Once again I don't want to give anything else away. By the time I read it, I knew more than 80% of the story because my aunt told be about it. She just wouldn't tell me two things and they were resolved in the last chapters of the book naturally. Anyway I would recommend that book to anyone. It was surprisingly good and I'd read it again if I had a copy. I love books that you can reread and pick up things that you might have missed the first time around which is why I love the Harry Potter books so much. Every time you read them, something else stands out and makes you think. There are hidden clues all through those books.
I think if I can I'll get at least the next one of the Earth's Children series done before school starts. There are 5 so far with a sixth one coming out soon. So now there are two books that I'm anxiously awaiting the release of, both of them have yet to be titled: The Sixth Earth's Children book and the 7th (and final:( ) Harry Potter book. I'm excited about both. At least I have something to occupy my free time at the moment which is always a good thing. The weather has been gorgeous for the past week. It's not sticking around as much as I'd like it to but soon it'll be my favorite time of year. I can almost smell it coming.
Yay!!! At last I have some concrete idea about what to comment this time.
"Five People You Meet in Heaven" was amazing. Yes, indeed the story is short, but it got me into thinking about the moral of the story.
I LOVE this book.
The ending of this book was out of my expectation. Simply stellar!!!!
As for Harry Potter's series. Indeed everytime I reread it again, there will be something that caught my attention. Something that I may have missed.
Lastly, my choice of Biotech instead of photography was based on the concept of playing it safe. Biotech promise me a easier/better/brighter future.
I LOVE photography, and I LIKE Biotech.
I guess life is all about making choices, and hopefully I make the right one this time.
I have heard nothing but good things about 5 People you meet in Heaven. I own the book but I haven't actually had time to sit down and read it. After my best friend died some one had reffered the book to his mom and after she read it she told me about it. I keep meaning to find time and sit down and read it but i have so much on my plate right now between renovations, school and Brandon, hopefully when our renovations are finished I will have time to sit and take a break and read it.
One last thing.....
Yeah I really liked it. I'd never read any of his books but this one was really good and I too love the moral of the story and the ending was awesome! I didn't see that one coming at all :)
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