Thursday, August 10, 2006


It's been super quiet the past couple of days. Nothing new has been happening. Just kind of being here you know? Mom's coming back tomorrow. Still don't know if sending her to that place was the right decision. I don't know how the whole detox thing works but it doesn't seem right that they give you drugs to calm you down. Doesn't that encourage addictive behavior? I don't know...I'm not a professional. I just hope they know what they're doing. The true test will be when she gets home I suppose. Since she's coming home sooner than I thought, I have to get all the liquor out of the house. That shouldn't be too bad considering I know all her hiding spaces and there isn't a lot of stuff in the house to drink in the first place.

Good Lord it's boring here and the day is dragging. Tim isn't here, he's playing golf and most of the other people are out doing something. I wish I could go away for a bit. A vacation sounds nice at this point. I mean my life isn't what you'd call stressful at all at the moment. But it would at least break up the monotony of day to day life here. At least get away from Maryland for a little bit or even just visit a different part of the state. I wouldn't mind doing that at all. I'd love to get some friends together and do that. Maggie's been asking me to come to Delaware to visit but I don't have the time or the funds to do so. I should go out one weekend though. When Frankie comes home we'll probably go somewhere. We always do. It should be interesting when he comes home. It feels like I haven't seen him in years when in fact it's only been 5 months. I hope when he comes home he doesn't have some of the bad habits he came home with last time involving various substances among other things. I don't think he will. I'm a little afraid every time he comes home because I know he's changing but I notice it more because I don't see him on a daily basis or even a weekly basis. Right before he left we didn't see each other that much which was weird because for years we were damn near inseparable and when he went away for those couple of years when he came home we spent most of the time together. I guess after the whole birthday incident and my refusal to go anywhere with him when he intended to drink probably caused that distance.

I miss him a lot though regardless. It doesn't feel like we've been friends for 9 years. I swear it feels almost like yesterday that we met and we've been through a lot together. It'll be nice to have him safe at home. Maybe he's grown up a lot or even just a little and maybe lost a little of that curmudgeonyness (don't think that's a word....but you get my meaning). But as long as he gets home safe and sound, I'll be alright with that. Even if we aren't friends like we were before..I'll be just as happy to know that he's ok.


Blogger Lily said...

I am happy to hear that your mom is coming home. Hopefully everything works out for her. I agree it doesnt seem right that when people go to detox they are giving them uppers. I agree that it incourages another addiction of the sort. I hope Frankie makes it home safe and everything goes good for you guys.

8:45 AM  

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