Big Changes!
I don't know what's going on. I haven't written lately simply for that reason. There is all sorts of stuff happening and I don't know what I'm going to do about it. School is going alright for now. I'm still struggling because of all the stuff that's been going on outside school. My contract got extended for another year so I know I have a job for at least that long. I was getting kind of worried about that because the date my contract was up was fast approaching and no one had said anything to me about it until one day the HR person said to come back and sign the contract so I did. Keith and I have decided to move in together. That's a good thing and I'm excited. It was kind of weird how he brought it up....he came in from work while I was sitting there with Maggie and I could tell he was excited about something. He said "I have a question for you....well not you (Maggie) but you (Me)". I said ok what and he said how do you feel about moving? And I said I was all in...I'm really excited. I have moved out before but it was with someone else's parents so it's going to be different. I'm happy though. There is a downside though...he has to find a steady job before June. He hasn't been working at a steady job because he was waiting for word from disability. He was denied (big surprise) so now he's got to find a real job. He's thinking about taking this job working away from home for 3 weeks and then being home a week. He doesn't want to leave me alone in that house but I told him he's got to do what's best for him and if it feels right then go for it. I don't want to hold him back. Of course I would love for him to find something local so he wasn't gone all that time but he's got to follow his own path. I'm just along for the ride (that's what I always tell him though). I think he thinks I'm going to leave even though I've told him time and again that I'm always here. I'm not going anywhere. I don't know how to let him know that I'm not going anywhere other than to say it out loud. I think he's finally getting it that I know what I'm getting myself into and that I can handle almost anything. I just want him to be happy and if he's happy then so am I. (I know that sounds dependent and weird) I knew what I was getting myself into when this all started even though he didn't know I already knew most of what was happening. I think sometimes he wishes he could forget all the bad stuff that's going on and I wish there was a way for him to forget. But the good thing is that he's willing to make an effort to change things and he wants to get better and be here for a long time. That's a far cry from where he was a year ago. That's when he stopped treatment because the stupid dr told him that he only had 2 years max. Here it is almost 3 years later and you wouldn't know that he was sick. If I could find that dr I would punch her. I'm not a violent person but when you tell someone they're that sick it's going to mess with their thinking which it did in his case. She was always mean and nasty toward him telling him that he didn't want to get better because he couldn't always make the appointments because he was working out in Delaware. I hope when he does start treatment again which will be this summer hopefully!, that he gets a different one because if he gets the same one, he won't go back there and that's the last thing he needs to be doing.